
vGizmo3D emscripten demo - current usage (but freely configurable)

  • Left mouse button ==> free cube rotation
  • Shft + LButton ==> cube rotation ONLY around X
  • Ctrl + LButton ==> cube rotation ONLY around Y
  • Alt | Super + LButton ==> cube rotation ONLY around Z
  • Right mouse button ==> secondary rotation (spot cube)
  • Ctrl + RButton | mouse Wheel ==> Dolly/Zoom
  • Shift | Super + RButton ==> Pan
  • RButton + LButton (together) | MButton ==> rotate both objects
  • Left click ==> stop idle rotation
  • * Some browser have problems with right button, for internal use (e.g. popup menu)
    * In linux Middle Button is used (from some WM) for quick-paste
    * In WebGL the program lose mouse/keyMods control when cursor go outside the canvas